The Chicago Westside Police and Sports Conference promotes holistic support by combining the unified efforts of local law enforcement and other civic agencies, churches, and non-profit organizations to build community. Sports provide a safe place to practice valuable social and emotional skills. Boys and girls can learn about leadership, accountability, organization, preparation, conflict resolution, and teamwork in a tangible and practical way. With this same logic, adults who take on the roles of coach and mentor practice the concepts of collaboration. The hope is as all parties work together successfully in a project like this, the same team concept can be applied to positively address inequality, poverty and gun violence. Teaching kids to shoot archery can be a great training ground. This initiative is more than just offering an opportunity to participate in a free sport; it’s a catalyst for transformation on the Westside.
By using a collaborative impact model which combines the efforts of our community, positive and transformational change will be promoted in the following areas:
Health & Wellness:
Violence reduction, restorative justice practices, nutrition counseling, and physical fitness instruction will be offered
Tutoring and academic support will be offered
Small-group mentoring and leadership training will be offered